Samara City Clinical Hospital №1 named N.I. Pirogova is a large modern multidisciplinary hospital with a long history (144 years), which provides mainly emergency surgical medical care 24/7. The hospital has 850 beds. More than 100 thousand patients come to us annually, including more than 800 foreign patients per year. Over 20 thousand operations are performed per year, including using high medical technologies.
We have several international quality certificates:
— Certificate of accordance the quality management system of Samara City Clinical Hospital №1 named N.I. Pirogova with the requirements of the international quality standard ISO 9001: 2015 in the certification system of the RR with accreditation of the Dutch Accreditation Council RVA (, a member of the International Accreditation Forum IAF ( and the International Certification Network IQNet (www.;
— Certificate of a successful audit of the quality of medical care provided by the French company HCM (Hospital Concept Management)
Our Mission is providing emergency specialized medical care of high quality at the level of world standards to the population of the Samara region and the Volga Federal District.
Our values: patient orientation, transparency, openness, respect, responsibility, continuous development, innovation, teamwork.
Strategic directions of the Quality Policy:— orientation to the patient;- leadership;- personnel management;- quality control;- science and innovation;- decisions based on evidence-based medicine;- relationships with partners.
Samara City Clinical Hospital №1 named N.I. Pirogova has a convenient geographical location. The distance to the railway station — 2.69 km, to the river station — 4.46 km, to the bus station — 5.02 km, to the airport — 51.12 km. The hospital includes 12 medical and auxiliary buildings, including two 7-story surgical buildings, a septic surgery and gynecology building, 2 maternity hospitals, a burn center, and an administrative building. The total number of departments is 36.
The team of Samara City Clinical Hospital №1 named N.I. Pirogova employs 1,734 people, including 367 doctors, 41 medical candidates, 5 medical doctors.
On the basis of the Samara City Clinical Hospital No. 1 named after N.I. Pirogov work:
— the only Interregional center of Thermal lesions in the region,
— City center for the treatment of gastroduodenal bleeding,
— City Herniological Center,
— City perinatal center,
— The city center of extracorporeal treatment methods with prosthetics of vital functions,
— City Consultative and Diagnostic Center.
On the basis of the hospital, there are 9 departments of the Institute of Postgraduate Education of Samara State Medical University.
The hospital has built the logistics of patient flows according to the international 3H routing technology with the patients sorted by severity according to the principle of “red, yellow and green zones”. The Emergency department has an anti-shock ward and an anti-shock Hall.
To ensure maximum openness and accessibility of medical care, the medical service is constantly being improved — it is “open registry, technology“ comfortable environment ”, landscaping, access control systems, indoor and street navigation, route maps, patented software IT products and much more.
Total Quality Management is implemented by the Hospital Quality Department and the maintenance of the Quality Program. The hospital’s quality management system is based on a process approach. Process management is achieved through the use of the PDCA cycle, risk-based thinking and LEAN-management. The corporate culture of the hospital is primarily focused on the patient and the development of a culture of trust and justice (fair & just culture).
Over the past year, patient satisfaction with medical care has increased by 20%. Employee satisfaction with working conditions increased by 10%. The integral indicator of quality, calculated by mathematical modeling of the final results, increased by 26%.
Radiation diagnostics
1. All types of x-ray studies of the organs of the chest, gastrointestinal tract, osteoarticular and genitourinary system
2. Computed tomography:
• All organs and systems with the construction of 3D reconstructions;
• CT angiography of blood vessels of any localization;
• CT perfusion of the brain and parenchymal organs;
• CT — hysterosalpenography, for the diagnosis of tubal-peritoneal infertility.
1. All types of endoscopic examinations (FGDS, FKS, FBS);
2. Stop bleeding:
• Sclerosis, ligation of varicose veins of the esophagus;
• Infiltration hemostasis;
• Clipping• Argon plasma coagulation
3. Video gastro (colon) scopy under anesthesia.Ultrasound diagnostics
1. Ultrasound of all organs and systems;
2. Doppler ultrasonography of vessels of the upper and lower extremities, vessels of the neck and brain;
3. ECHO — cardiography;
4. Ultrasound of the fetus (3D image)
Clinical diagnostic laboratory
1. A wide range of studies: hematological, biochemical, immunohematological, immunological, immunochemical, parasitological, molecular (PCR), serological, microscopic and clinical studies of all body fluids;
2 Laboratory diagnostics:
• disorders of lipid, protein, carbohydrate, water-salt metabolism;
• infectious diseases (including hepatitis, HIV, TORCH)
• oncological diseases;
• diabetes mellitus;
• hormonal disorders
Abdominal surgery:
• Closure of fistulas;
• Laparoscopic surgery;
• the whole range of proctologic operations;
• endovideo surgery.
• laparoscopic nephrectomy;
• uroterolithotomy;
• sling operations for urinary incontinence;
• plastic hydronephrosis Neurosurgery
• Transplantation of artificial spinal discs;
• Percutaneous vertebro-kyphoplasty;
• Prosthetics of the fibrous ring of the intervertebral disc;
• Surgery 360 ͦ for injuries and diseases of the spine;
• Endoscopic removal of herniated discs
• Lumbar vertebral arthroplasty (installation of artificial intervertebral disc)
Traumatology — orthopedics
• Arthroscopy of the knee, shoulder and ankle joints.
• Artoscopic plastic surgery of ligaments of the knee joint.
• Emergency endo prosthetics of the hip joint.
• Osteosynthesis of limb bones, including under the control of the C-arc.
• Corrective operations of the forefoot
• Minimally invasive surgical treatment of arthrosis with electrets.
Plastic and aesthetic surgery
• blepharoplasty;
• Correction of the auricles;
• Mammoplasty
• Treatment of burn wounds with a hydrosurgical scalpel;
• The use of an ultrasound system in the treatment of wounds and wound infections;
• Use of vacuum therapy — negative pressure in the treatment and preparation of wounds for autodermoplasty.
Vascular surgery
• surgical treatment of patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms and major arteries;
• operations on the brachiocephalic arteries (carotid endarterectomy)
• aortic iliac / femoral bypass / prosthetics
• operations on the visceral and renal arteries
• operations on the venous system: combined venectomy, sclerotherapy.
Vascular Center (cardiology, neurology)
• complex treatment of heart attacks and strokes
Obstetrics and gynecology
• Nursing critically low birth weight infants;
• Organ-preserving laparoscopic operations;
• Conservative myomectomy;
• Surgical treatment of pregnant women with pelvic cancer
• Aesthetic gynecology using hyaluronic acid, biorevitalization, BRP-therapy, plasma therapy, correction of involutional changes.
• Organization of partner births and family postpartum wards.
1. The patient contacts the registry of the department for the provision of paid services by phone 8 (846) 207-99-77; +7 -937-980-00-47 or in person.
2. The manager advises on the provision of services, on the cost of services, the schedule of doctors, and also makes an appointment.
3. Paid medical service can be provided after official documents are filled in and patient data is entered into the medical information system.
4. The execution of the Contract for the provision of medical services on a reimbursable basis is carried out in the presence of a passport or other identification document.
5. On the day of admission, the manager draws up a contract for the provision of services for compensation — with two appendices (No. 1 “Informed consent of the patient” and No. 2 “Act of completion”) in two copies. The patient must sign the contract and the annexes. One option for the contract is the patient. The certificate of completion is signed after the provision of the service.
6. The administrator fills out a receipt for payment, issues it to the patient, after which he pays for the service through the cashless / cash payment terminal at the cash desk of the paid services department.
7. After signing the contract, the manager accompanies the patient to the doctor’s office, or to the hospitalization department.
8. After the provision of services:the patient receives appointments, recommendations, results of examination / studies on his hands,or a plan for further inpatient treatment; signs the certificate of completion.
9. Inpatient treatment — a comprehensive medical service, which includes:diagnostics
preoperative preparationdynamic observation
-operative (conservative treatment)
-food postoperative period.
The price does not include (paid separately):
— rehabilitation physiotherapy-individual postsomatic pathologies unrelated to the underlying disease
— diseases that arose during the patient’s stay in the hospital not according to the main nosology
After the treatment of a foreign citizen (stateless person) is completed, he is issued with or is sent an extract from medical documentation indicating the term for the provision of medical care in a medical organization, as well as measures taken for prevention, diagnosis, treatment and medical rehabilitation. Medical documentation sent from the Russian Federation to another state is filled in in Russian.
80 Polevaya street, Samara, Samara City N.I. Pirogov Clinical Hospital No. 1 Information desk telephone:: +7 (846) 207-22-35
Social Media Links
GBUZ SGKB number 1 named. N.I. Pirogova
GBUZ SGKB number 1 named. N.I. Pirogova
The official website for medical tourism in Russia